onsdag den 6. januar 2016

🎉 New Year Resolutions🍸

I have decided to make 2016 the best year as possible and how I will do that is by following/sticking to my New Year Resolutions and here they are.

1. Make a list of things that makes you happy
❤️ Drawing
❤️ Painting
❤️ Planning/Organizing/Scapbooking
❤️ Reading about history, fashion, inspiration
❤️ Fashion/ Lookbooks/ Blog
❤️ Watch my favorite movies/ series
- Anything really that lets me be creative

2. Make sure to do at least one of those things once a day!

3. Take better care 
Excerice at least 3 times a week
❄ Get a beauty routine and stick to it
❄ Pamper myself by getting nails done, a massage, a haircut or whatever
❄ Go to the dentist and doctors for check ups when needed 

4. Spoil myself once a while
- Buy something for myself that I really like when I work hard or treat myself for a nice dinner or go to the movies. I think that's going to be the hardest part since I find it hard to buy expensive things for myself when I feel the money could go to my savings instead.

5. Quality time is not wasted time
- Big things are coming my way in the near future so I really need to get the most out of my time with my loved ones. Work and money isn't as important as I can stress it out to be. Money is money, I can always get it if I need it but I won't always be around my loved ones so spend more time with them.

Anyways so those were my 5 New Year Resolutions for 2016, what are yours?


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