tirsdag den 12. januar 2016

Fashion Recap 2015: My Favorite Outfits Of the Year

2015 has been a tad weird and busy year for me. I went to Turkey on a all girls trip, visited Berlin where I got to cross off a few things on my bucket list, graduated fashion school, became a free-lance designer for a guy in Kolding and Floor manager at a restaurant. 

Keeping the style comfortable yet girly with a dash of sexiness has clearly become a thing of mine through the year of 2015, and I must say clothing items with a cute/sexy little details has caught my eye once or twice this year. Surely our Fashion style will change a bit through the years as we progress and grow "up" but I am pleased about where my style is taking me so far. 

To all those girls who don't have "the perfect body", embrace that and make your shape your pride. 2016 should be the year where we all get more comfortable in our own skin, learn to love ourselves and our imperfections. Let 2016 only become bigger and better!

So until my next post - Have a nice day and and awesome New Year!


onsdag den 6. januar 2016

🎉 New Year Resolutions🍸

I have decided to make 2016 the best year as possible and how I will do that is by following/sticking to my New Year Resolutions and here they are.

1. Make a list of things that makes you happy
❤️ Drawing
❤️ Painting
❤️ Planning/Organizing/Scapbooking
❤️ Reading about history, fashion, inspiration
❤️ Fashion/ Lookbooks/ Blog
❤️ Watch my favorite movies/ series
- Anything really that lets me be creative

2. Make sure to do at least one of those things once a day!

3. Take better care 
Excerice at least 3 times a week
❄ Get a beauty routine and stick to it
❄ Pamper myself by getting nails done, a massage, a haircut or whatever
❄ Go to the dentist and doctors for check ups when needed 

4. Spoil myself once a while
- Buy something for myself that I really like when I work hard or treat myself for a nice dinner or go to the movies. I think that's going to be the hardest part since I find it hard to buy expensive things for myself when I feel the money could go to my savings instead.

5. Quality time is not wasted time
- Big things are coming my way in the near future so I really need to get the most out of my time with my loved ones. Work and money isn't as important as I can stress it out to be. Money is money, I can always get it if I need it but I won't always be around my loved ones so spend more time with them.

Anyways so those were my 5 New Year Resolutions for 2016, what are yours?
